Sheeps on the...

Dall Sheep

The Dall Sheep (sometimes called Thinhorn Sheep)...

The Dall Sheep (originally Dall's Sheep, sometimes called Thinhorn Sheep), Ovis dalli, is a wild sheep of the mountainous regions of northwest North America, ranging from white to slate brown and having curved yellowish brown horns. There are two putative subspecies: the northern Dall Sheep proper (Ovis dalli dalli) which is almost pure white, and the more southern Stone Sheep (also spelled Stone's Sheep) (Ovis dalli stonei), which is a slaty brown with some white patches on the rump and inside the hind legs.

Research has shown that the use of these subspecies designations is questionable. Complete colour integradation occurs between white and dark morphs of the species with intermediately coloured populations, called Fannin's Sheep, found in the Pelly Mountains and Ogilvie Mountains of Yukon Territory. Mitochondrial DNA evidence has shown no molecular division along current subspecies boundries, although evidence from nuclear DNA may provide some support. Also at the species level current taxonomy is questionable because hybrdization between Ovis dalli and Ovis canadensis has been recorded in recent evolutionary history.

The latter half of the latin binomial dalli is derived from William Healey Dall (1845-1927), an American naturalist. The common name Dall Sheep or Dall's Sheep is often used to refer to the species Ovis dalli. An alternative use of common name terminology is that Thinhorn Sheep refers to the species Ovis dalli, while Dall's Sheep and Stone's Sheep refer to subspecies Ovis dalli dalli and Ovis dalli stonei.

The sheep inhabit the mountain ranges of Alaska, the Yukon Territory, the Mackenzie Mountains in the western Northwest Territories, and northern British Columbia. Dall sheep are found in relatively dry country and try to stay in a special combination of open alpine ridges, meadows, and steep slopes with extremely rugged ground in the immediate vicinity, in order to escape from predators that cannot travel quickly through such terrain.

Male Dall Sheep have thick curling horns. The females have shorter, more slender, slightly curved horns. Males live in bands which seldom associate with female groups except during the mating season in late November and early December. Lambs are born in May.

During the summer when food is abundant, the sheep eat a wide variety of plants. During the winter diet is much more limited and consists primarily of dry, frozen grass and sedge stems available when snow is blown off, lichen and moss. Many Dall Sheep populations visit mineral licks during the spring and often travel many miles to eat the soil around the licks.

The primary predators of Dall Sheep are wolves, coyotes, black bears, grizzly bears and golden eagles are predators on the young.

Dall Sheep can often be observed along the Alaska Highway at Muncho Lake and at Sheep Mountain in Kluane National Park and Reserve, as well as near Faro, Yukon (Fannin's Sheep).

Watchful and difficult to approach, Dall sheep challenge the hunters, wildlife watchers, and photographers who pursue them. The sheep too are challenged - by the harsh alpine environments of Alaska and northwestern Canada. The animals meet this challenge because of several unique adaptations. One place they do well is the Arctic National Wildlife Refuge.

image of Dall sheep rams lying on mountainside - USFWSThe Refuge contains North America's northernmost Dall sheep population. Year-round residents of the Refuge, the sheep live mostly above timberline on ridges, dry meadows, and steep mountain slopes. There are always rocky outcrops and cliffs nearby. The sheep rarely venture far from this rugged terrain, using it to escape predators, including wolves, golden eagles, bears, and humans. Natural mountaineers, sheep negotiate this terrain with speed and agility. They rarely fall.

Dall sheep eat grasses, sedges, broad-leaved plants, and dwarf willows. In winter, when these foods are scarce, the sheep add lichens to their diet. The distribution and availability of forage requires the sheep to move seasonally between traditional summer and winter ranges. On the Refuge, the animals supplement their diet with regular visits to mineral licks. The sheep usually roam in small social units, either maternal ewe, lamb and yearling groups, or groups of rams.

Sheep forage is limited by the cool temperatures and nutrient poor soils of the northern alpine environment. Under these conditions, the sheep mature slowly and have low reproductive rates. Females reach breeding age at three to four years and produce only one lamb per year. Males breed when their horns are large enough for them to establish a dominant position in the ram hierarchy, usually at seven to nine years.

Winter weather is the main factor that affects Dall sheep numbers. In sheep habitat, temperatures normally stay below freezing, snowfall is light, and winds sweep many ridges and slopes, keeping snow cover light. These conditions allow the sheep good access to winter forage. However heavy snows, temporary thaws, and freezing rains can create a frozen barrier preventing the sheep from digging for the plants. Conditions like these can cause population "crashes."

Dall sheep walk a survival tightrope, although they do it rather effectively. They have lived since the Pleistocene in places such as the Arctic Refuge. They are one of the special wildlife assets of this magnificent place.